Monday, December 29, 2008


OMG ever since I found Twitter ( I've been a fiend. I'm always updating unless I'm sleep, which I have awaken and actually updated that I was sleep lol. It's cool, check it out, check my updates out! Http://

Christmas to New Years

Hello all! I know it's been forever since I've updated my blog but I've been a little too busy to keep it updated.. Christmas was pretty good. I got this Guess! watch I've been pawning over & some Ed Hardy perfume that smells like automatic erection, lmao.. (Think about it, then ask questions!) New Years is coming within the next couple of days and like always I've made a list of all the things I want to improve/change/add to my life. For some reason, I feel so much differently about my list then I have in the past years. It's like I know what I need to change and this time I really am going to change it! I know that's good but I even have my own doubts about my list.. I'll share a couple of my New Year's Resolutions...

  1. Celibacy... That one is a hard one for me kinda.. Like sex isn't everything but when I don't get it, I can be a total bitch..
  2. Weight loss... Ugh it was told to me that I needed to lose weight.. That's a good thing since it will improve my health.. But good Lord it's going to take so much out of me to actually get this going. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!
  3. MONEY.. I need to manage my money so much better, save more, spend less.. It's going to be hard, but totally worth it! In addition to that, paying my bills.. Sigh, I'm so irresponsible when it comes to that, it doesn't make sense.
Those are my top 3 that definitely need to happen no matter what. I'm super determined to just get those goals accomplished before 2010.